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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fireside chats.

I'm feeling jumbled.  Just plain off .

I honestly think it's just the rat race of life lately.  I run and run and run all day long and can never seem to catch up with life and just feel this uncontrollable urge to DO ALL THE THINGS and at the same time I just want to sleep for hours and hours and hours.

A trip to the therapist is certainly in order.  But I must say that this weekend, while completely bat.shit.crazy, was a breath of fresh air.

My high school bestie, Lorryn, and her hubby and sweet daughter were in Orlando for vacation and stayed with us last night before they left to head back to the cold, cold North.  While the kids were awake, it was of course chaos.  That's just a given with 4 kids under 4 ... 3 of them being 15 months and younger.

But after the kids went to bed, the guys built a fire in the pit in the backyard and we sat around the fire with a bottle of wine (or 3) and just relaxed.  Between inappropriate humor, talking about life with kids, and dreaming about the future, it was so nice to be with old friends.  Soothing for the soul and just what the doctor ordered for my frazzled nerves.

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